Monday, May 31, 2010

"You're not Laura are you?"


Today was such an amazing day; I hope I can do it justice with this blog. I woke up at 6:22 a.m. I should have known it was going to be a perfect day when my favorite Saved By the Bell was on at 7 (the one where Zach spies on the girls, they find out, and they lead him to believe Kelly is crazy...classic!). Anyways, I headed off to Delphos around 7:45 because Colin and I were having a day at the zoo.

O the zoo! The animals are absolutely awesome!! And the people you see there are even better. It wasn't too busy in the morning because the forecast was worse than the feeling you get when you're out of milk after you've already poured cereal. We started at the's impossible to not start at the monkeys at the zoo. The monkeys were cuter than a second grader trying to read, but we were distracted from their picking of parasitic bugs off each others' behinds by the hair cut on a small boy in front of us. The beauty of a place like the zoo is that you can take pictures of all the weird stuff you see (including people), but you can pretend you were taking pictures of the animals. Here, my friends, is one of the BEST mullets I have ever seen in person.


After the mullet, I thought life couldn't get any better. O but I was wrong. My favorite exhibit of the entire zoo was the giraffes. Why? I am pretty sure it was simply a family reunion that I was not invited to. I know that I am a direct descendent of giraffes because the giraffes looked at me like, "Don't I know you from somewhere?" (I have pictures to prove it.) Giraffes also eat up to like 30 pounds of lettuce a day...remember how I said I was trying to be a hippie? Scratch that, I am trying to be a giraffe!

Another highlight of the day was the feeding of the goats, which might I add, was quite successful for me. The woman who handed out the food said, "You are berry tood at tis" (translation: "You are very good at this.") You see, goats like food more than my brother likes pizza rolls, so when you introduce food to them, you are at their mercy. I was feeding the goats like a nice citizen, and they decided to jump on me. Not just jump, but stand...GOATS ARE HEAVY. Goats also have poop on their paws, and they don't have the decency to wipe it off before they jump on your white shirt. So I had poop-covered goat hooves smashing my spleen for about 4 minutes. I am assuming I was "berry tood at it" because I was not killed by the goats.

Goats like Colin,

but they cover Emily in poop.

Then there was a DOWNPOUR, and Colin and I were chased by a peacock to safety. But the downpour didn't last too painfully long (long enough to soak my white shirt and make my hair more matted than the lions mane though). After the zoo, we headed to the mall where I found the GREATEST MOVIE OF ALL TIME. "The Ghost and Mr. Chicken!!!" If you have never seen it, find it, watch it, and plant a tree (I'm worried about global warming ok?)....CHIPOTLE!! We had that next, and I got to experience the, "No mom we weren't doing dirty things, I forgot to button my pants after Chipotle" bloatedness for the whole ride home, but it was worth it for the 13 minutes in vegetarian burrito heaven.

2 brilliant quotes of the day. Random woman in the parking lot who was driving by slowly and staring, "You're not Laura are you?" (I'm not Laura, in case you were confused). And, Chipotle worker, "Do you want meat on your vegetarian burrito?"

Keep Letting It Be,



  1. Dear Emily,
    Liz and I both hope that you and Colin watched The Ghost and Mr. Chicken sitting on the coach holding onto your knees for dear life in FEAR!!! (sound familiar?) hahah :)

  2. Chipotle vegetarian burritos are the best thing ever invented. End of story.

  3. HAHAH! colin is yet to see it...but i warned him that it was going to scare him more than anything in the world :) we need a "Ghost and Mr. Chicken" date soon!!! and if I could marry a vegetarian burrito...I SOO would!!

  4. That's hilarious! The quotes at the end have to be the best, though.
