Saturday, July 9, 2011

Those Are Some Good Looking Triceps

Another day. Another day. This morning I got totally motivated and ran like 4.5 miles. Now, there is a small cramp monster in my right calf who keeps stabbing my muscle every time I move one of my toes or my foot (Think of taking a fork and lightly pushing it into your forehead. Now, JAB IT and turn clockwise..that's what my calf feels like). I recently read an "advice on blogging" column. The man told me my blog needed purpose, and it needed to help the reader learn something he or she didn't previously know. So for this blog, your words of wisdom are...this is huge people; you may need to read it twice...STRETCH YOUR LEGS BEFORE RUNNING 4.5 MILES. I was sort of stretching but then "Party in the USA" came on my Ipod. I just got so pumped up I had to start running. Therefore, to please Mr. Iknowsomuchaboutbloggingthatiwriteablogabouthowtowriteblogs, my miscue on stretching and my recording of this miscue in my blog will teach my reader that he or she NEEDS to stretch no matter how much Miley is encouraging him or her to run.
While on my run, I ended up at the track at my local football field. There was already a woman at the track and she was doing tricep dips on the bleachers. I have always been mesmerized by these "circuit training" individuals. When I run, I just like to run. If I tried to get my body to work out more than one thing at once, it would just get angry, protest against my idea, and I would be collapsed in front of the bleachers in a sweaty pile of limbs. Anyways, I assume from a distance that this woman is around my age..maybe a little older or younger. Turns out, she was my mom! Kidding, my mom was at home making brownies. But, this woman was old enough to be my mom. She is, most likely, a mom herself. At that moment, I realize she is crazy. When I am a mom, I'm not going to work my triceps on bleachers, and I sure as heck will not be running 4.5 miles. I plan on getting my workouts by bending down to yell at my children when they yell obscenities (do you really think I'm going to be able to have a clean mouth around my kids ALL the time? Accidents happen), running towards my children when they are trying to put Froot Loops covered in ant poisoning in their mouths (true story, mom had to call poison control. We had an ant problem and a hungry brother), and lifting them so high that they think the fan is going to chop their heads off (I had a really tall uncle). Don't get my wrong, this woman was legit, and I totally respect her for keeping her body in tip top shape. But I will NOT be doing the boring exercises I do when I am my other tip for you readers (2 for the price of 1 today): work your triceps while you are young because people will judge you if you do it when you're older.

Keep Letting It Be,

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